Ron and Debbie are Southern Baptists. Ron is the son of a Southern Baptist Pastor and Debbie’s dad is a long-time Southern Baptist deacon.

We believe that:

  • The Bible to be the inspired Word of God (2 Timothy 3:15-17).
  • Jesus is the Son of God who was born of a virgin (Matthew 1:23).
  • Jesus lived a sinless life and died on the cross to pay the penalty for the sins of all people (John 1:29 and 3:16).
  • Jesus was buried and rose from the dead to prove His ultimate victory over death. (Romans 6:9)
  • Jesus Christ is the only way of salvation (John 14:6).
  • Those who place their faith and trust in Jesus and make Him the Lord of their lives will be forgiven of their sins and will receive eternal life in heaven when they die (Romans 3:23 and 5:8-9).
  • A person is saved by placing his faith and trust in Jesus Christ and not by works (Ephesians 2:8-9).
  • If man cannot earn salvation and it is a gift from God then man cannot do anything to lose his salvation (Romans 6:23).
  • God has a purpose and plan for every life and desires for us to have an abundant life (John 10:10).
  • The Holy Spirit dwells within each believer to help him live a godly life (John 3:5-8).
  • God created marriage between one man and one woman as the basic foundation of the family (Genesis 2:24).
  • Human life begins at conception and is sacred to God. (Psalm 139:13).