I recently had ACL knee reconstruction surgery. With a swollen knee and a brace on my left knee I am handicapped and not able to do all the activities that I am accustomed to. I am using some crutches to maneuver around. With physical therapy and a few months of rehabilitation I hope my knee will be back to new before too long and I will not feel handicapped.
Moses felt that because of his handicap (speech) that he was not qualified to do what God had asked him to do. He used his lack of ability to speak well as an excuse to not serve God. Moses wanted someone else to do God’s work.
As Sunday School leaders we are called to teach God’s Word and to teach it with confidence and authority. Just as God assured Moses that He would be with him and give him all that he needed. God assures each of us that He will be with us when we are doing His will. We all have handicaps and shortcomings but God has proven that He can use anyone, regardless of his background or abilities. God can take even the worst of sinners or a person with very few skills and use them to share the Good News with others.
Ask your class members what handicaps they are using as excuses for not serving God. Challenge them to identify ways they can support one another and encourage one another (to be that needed crutch) so everyone is able to maneuver and answer God’s calling.