Each year I make a New Year Resolution to arrange my schedule so I can exercise more often. I have good intentions but before too long I am back in the old habits and I am not exercising. Every year people make New Year Resolutions. Some want to stop smoking. Some will start to exercise to lose weight, while others may make a resolution to read his or her Bible or attend church more regularly. Some of those on your Sunday School roll who never come may be thinking they need to get back involved in studying God’s Word and going to Sunday School. Take advantage of this opportunity and send every member of your Sunday School class an email, text message, or a card in the mail reminding them to make a New Year Resolution to be in Sunday School and to get into God’s Word on a daily basis. Encourage them to use a devotional book to start a regular quiet time each day. Share some ways you can use New Year Resolutions to get people involved in Sunday School and into studying God’s Word.

Make a personal New Year Resolution to spend more time in God’s Word and praying each day. Make a resolution to spend more time developing relationships with those in your Sunday School class so you will know their personal needs and you can make your Sunday School lesson more relevant. Resolve to spend more time in preparing your Sunday school lesson so you can be properly prepared and make the lesson applicable to the lives of those in your class. What areas do you need to improve so you can better serve our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ through your Sunday School class? Leave a comment and share some of your New Year Resolutions.


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