Take the opportunity to use Thanksgiving as a way to reach out to prospects and non-attenders in your Sunday School class. Call everyone on your Sunday School class roll and tell them you are making a list of things people are thankful for, especially something that has happened during 2013 for which they are thankful. You can also ask if there is anything going on in their lives that you can prayer with them about. This will give you an opportunity to touch base with everyone and pray for them. Keeping in touch with class members on a regular basis is key to building attendance.
Another way to reach out to prospects, non-attenders, and regular attenders is to send everyone a Thanksgiving card telling them what you are thankful for and that you are thankful they are in your Sunday School class. People always enjoy getting personal mail.
As a mission project lead your class to put together a Thanksgiving basket for a needy family or to go to a homeless shelter and serve a meal. You could also get your class to write Thanksgiving cards and send them to those who are in the nursing homes or shut-in. Better yet, your class could deliver the cards personally and spend some time visiting with these lonely people.