My mother is involved in a weekly women’s Bible study group. The group is comprised of several small groups that are led by some of the ladies. Each week they gather for a Bible study lesson from one of two main leaders and then the group breaks into smaller groups for discussion. The group meets on Wednesday mornings. Every Tuesday without fail I know my mother will get a call from her small group leader. This weekly contact helps my mother know she is important and that they are looking forward to her being present for Bible study. I think these weekly contacts are one of the reasons this group of ladies usually has approximately 90% of the ladies present each week.
Imagine if a Sunday School teacher contacted his or her Sunday School class members every Saturday to encourage them to be present on Sunday. I am sure the percentage of those present would increase. The task of contacting every member may be overwhelming for some teachers, especially if they have a large number of people on their Sunday School rolls. That is the reason Sunday School classes are encouraged to have Care Group Leaders. Each Care Group Leader is assigned 6-8 people from the Sunday School roll. They are responsible for contacting and caring for this small group of people each week. In addition to making a weekly contacts by phone, email, or text, a Care Group Leader will send birthday cards, minister to these people in a time of need (death of a loved one, loss of job, sickness, etc.), and send notes of encouragement as needed. These weekly contacts are a small way a Sunday School class can extend the love of Jesus Christ and minister to people.
What do you think? Do weekly contacts really work or do people see them as a form of harassment? Share your thoughts about weekly contacts and the use of Care Group Leaders. What have you done to keep in touch with people in a Bible study group?