Arthur Flake was born in Texas in 1862 and became a successful clothing merchant in Mississippi. He came to the Sunday School Board of the Southern Baptist Convention in 1909 and became the head of the Sunday School Department in 1920. He developed a strategy to grow the Sunday School that was based on a successful plan to grow a business. It was a simple plan that still works today:
1. Know Your Possibilities (number of people enrolled and prospects)
2. Enlarge the Organization (number of classes and leaders needed)
3. Enlist and Train the Workers
4. Provide the Space (classrooms needed)
5. Go After the People (regular contacts)

As a Sunday School leader I encourage you to follow these same principles to grow your Sunday School class:
1. Know those who are on your class roll and your prospects.
2. If you class roll has too many enrolled then consider starting another class out of your current class with a few key leaders. (suggested maximum enrollment is 40-50 for most adult classes because statistics prove that a smaller class is more effective in reaching and ministering to people)
3. Enlist associates to help you as the teacher. (consider enlisting an Associate Teacher, a Reaching Leader, a Ministry and Mission Leader, and a Fellowship Leader)
4. Be willing to move your class to another area if your space is needed for another class.
5. Enlist Care Group Leaders that will contact members and prospects every week. (you will need one Care Group Leader for each 5-6 people on your class roll)

The last ingredient for growing your Sunday School class is prayer. I encourage you to pray, pray, pray asking God to direct you and bless your class with great teaching, ministering, and reaching.


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