Is Your Church Sticky?

Larry Osborne, pastor of North Coast Church in California has written a book, Sticky Church. The premise of the book is to point out the importance of sermon-based small groups. As I have read this book I felt that Sunday School could be put in place of sermon-based small groups Read more…

Storms of Life

Recently, our country has experienced an unusual amount of severe storms. I just heard on the news that over 200 people lost their lives when over 100 tornados tore through the south leaving a path of destruction. Life is filled with storms. Some storms are not as devastating as a Read more…

Why Use Visuals?

Research indicates that the use of visuals greatly improves the effectiveness of a teacher. When the only teaching method used is lecture, learners only remember about 10% of what is said verbally. When visuals are added to the lecture or verbal presentation the percentage remembered by learners increases to 60%. Read more…