Storms of Life

Recently, our country has experienced an unusual amount of severe storms. I just heard on the news that over 200 people lost their lives when over 100 tornados tore through the south leaving a path of destruction. Life is filled with storms. Some storms are not as devastating as a Read more…

Why Use Visuals?

Research indicates that the use of visuals greatly improves the effectiveness of a teacher. When the only teaching method used is lecture, learners only remember about 10% of what is said verbally. When visuals are added to the lecture or verbal presentation the percentage remembered by learners increases to 60%. Read more…

Saturday Night Special

Most of us have been guilty of a “Saturday Night Special” Sunday School lesson. On Saturday night we throw together the Sunday School lesson for Sunday morning. We have not spent the proper time preparing for teaching on Sunday morning and now we are down to the eleventh hour and Read more…